An open-source guide
“… it is a safe rule to have no teaching without a patient for a text, and the best teaching is that taught by the patient himself.”
—Sir William Osler, a founding professor of Johns Hopkins Hospital (1889) and widely considered a forefather of modern medical education
A case report is a write-up of a single case (e.g. medical, psychological), typically with novel or otherwise interesting features1. Because they lack randomization and other experimental controls, they belong toward the bottom of the hierarchy of evidence. However, by describing the course of the case, i.e. background, clinical findings, interventions, and outcomes, professionals in many fields have been able to raise the alarm about emergent conditions, suggest modifications to diagnostic criteria, and advocate for the well-being of the laypeople in their care. Therefore, while limited, case reports are a valuable descriptive design.
When writing up a case report in any discipline, the CARE (”CAse REport”) Guidelines2 and elaboration document3 are an excellent resource. However, they do not explicitly address autobiographical case reports — that is, case reports in which a writer details their own experience and findings. Such works are increasingly represented in published literature4, and have many potential uses outside of peer-reviewed journals.
The aim of this crowd-sourced guide is to explore the application of this approach, and to support professionals and laypeople in describing their own symptoms, diagnostic processes, interventions attempted, and outcomes.
The purpose of this guide is to encourage writing about conditions and populations that otherwise may not otherwise receive clinical and academic attention. Patients/clients may be motivated to write about their own condition when professionals misunderstand their condition, treatments are ineffective, or they otherwise feel disempowered.
This guide is not intended to be an introduction to academic writing or the CARE Guidelines. The resulting case report is not necessarily suitable for publication, and thus the focus of this guide is on clearly communicating one’s case, rather than adhering to publication standards.
Existing guidelines offer possible reasons a case might qualify for a write-up1. These can be adapted for autobiographical work if you, the author:
While it is not necessary to hold a degree or professional license to write autobiographical case reports, it is strongly recommended that you only continue once familiar with the following:
After writing an autobiographical case report on a rare condition: “Aw man, this published case report involving my condition is way better than mine.”
A researcher seeing two case reports on a rare condition, one published and one not: “Great Scott! Two case reports!”
—paraphrase of the Two Cakes Rule
Well-written autobiographical case reports have unique potential uses:
Alsaywid, B. S., & Abdulhaq, N. M. (2019). Guideline on writing a case report. Urology Annals, 11(2), 126–131. ↩ ↩2
Gagnier, J. J., Kienle, G., Altman, D. G., Moher, D., Sox, H., & Riley, D. (2013). The CARE guidelines: Consensus-based clinical case reporting guideline development. Global Advances in Health & Medicine, 2(5), 38-43. ↩
Riley, D. S., Barber, M. S., Kienle, G. S., Aronson, J. K., von Schoen-Angerer, T., Tugwell, P., … & Gagnier, J. J. (2017). CARE guidelines for case reports: explanation and elaboration document. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 89, 218-235. ↩
See Example Case Reports. ↩
Iezzoni, L. I., & Long-Bellil, L. M. (2012). Training physicians about caring for persons with disabilities: “Nothing about us without us!” Disability and Health Journal, 5(3), 136-139. ↩
Harris, W. (2021, August 19). How the scientific method works. HowStuffWorks. ↩